Today I had the most delightful salad filled with blackberries, cranberries, Mandarin oranges and walnuts. Life is a whirlwind for me most days. From work to helping these kiddos with digital learning to trying to keep the house decent, my plate is full this season. To stay in balance, I had to get intentional about what goes on my plate. I've increased my vitamin, veggie and fruit intake. With cold and flu season upon us amid a pandemic, I have to intentionally fuel-up the body.
My Granny always said, "Tell the truth and shame the devil." Well, here's my truth. I NEVER thought salads should be served as a standalone dish. I remember those times dining with friends or coworkers who thought it was appropriate to order a salad and nothing else. I mean, really. That's it. But why? I had this mindset for years, well decades. It was only recently, like maybe a couple of years ago, I finally ordered a salad by itself. So, I'm not only thankful for salads; I'm grateful for a changing mindset, too. I'm careful about these standalone salads. I check the ingredients, size and calories. Some entree salads have as much saturated fat and sugar as fried entrees. I'm mindful of dressings and usually divide a full entree in half and save the rest for the next day, or I'll order a side salad and call it a day. The green goodness is just what the doctor ordered for this multi-tasking mom of boys. Every day isn't perfect, but I try to set my intentions on what best fuels my body. And for that, I'm grateful.